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Essay Writing Topic Grade 6
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Revolutionary characters free essay sample
Presently this procedure helped molded the provinces culture of class on the grounds that the pilgrims were never trackers. At the point when the homesteaders got toward the North America they definitely realized that their general public was going to originate from farming. That Is the thing that occurred in the southern settlements. These provinces created tobacco, indigo, and rice. At that point after an enormous time of farming development in the southern settlements the northern provinces began to deliver crude materials to exchange back to England. At that point after that they began creating completed items yet this didn't oblige Britains mercantilism approaches. Whichever way the provinces culture was to exchange merchandise and crude materials financially. This Is the thing that makes the settlements so one of a kind. This is on the grounds that for most nations this procedure of climbing the allegorical last of social thoughtfulness would have taken so any longer. That is the means by which the social hypothesis of civic establishments social procedure was made and how It came to shape the social thoughtfulness In the American provinces. We will compose a custom exposition test on Progressive characters or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The Founding fathers perspective on their job In molding political and social culture of Revolutionary America was to be leaders.One essential of being a pioneer, thinking back to the eighteenth century was to act like a man of honor. The characteristics of a delicate man incorporates being Tolerant, fair, prudent, and finally real. This was incredibly critical In framing a political and social culture in our nation. That is on the grounds that this implies the pioneers of our nations ought to comply with these standards of being open minded, legit, idealistic, and real to life. One specifically that sticks out of this rundown Is real to life. Particularly in todays governmental issues there are not many pioneers and lawmakers that are straightforward and candid.Today we find numerous pioneers lying and making bogus vows to the residents Just to be chosen or In our current day case reappointed. Utilizations one could state that the first principals that this nation was in fact established on are not being fallowed by todays pioneers in Americas. The establishing fathers additionally assumed a monstrous job In the social culture In America. The social culture In America was special at that point. At the point when you are conceived in America you are not as of now put into a social class. There is an equivalent open door for every single person.And the job that the establishing fathers had played In this was being the individuals who composed the constitution which says what we can or can not do otherwise called our arrangement of laws. It says in the constitution that all men are made similarly which socially talking there are no aristocrats there are no serfs or rulers there are Just residents. However, what happens to slaves? Well in Thomas Pains good judgment he says that the legislature should claim property. Be that as it may, in the event that all men are made equivalent, at that point in what capacity can a man be another keeps an eye on property. The establishing fathers had chosen and assumed a huge job in the social culture of The United States yet anyway they never made a solid law or change about subjection in the constitution. In the long run this issue will come up time ND time again and this issue will at last be unraveled just about a century (a hundred years) after this nation was established in the common war. The establishing fathers perspective on them self affected a definitive objective of the American Revolution. The manner in which our establishing fathers saw themselves was that they were regular citizens battling for the option to be free.This had a significant effect on the American Revolution. This is on the grounds that now a definitive objective of the American Revolution was to have a free country away from the mercantilism strategies of Great Britain. Well at any rate that was the objective on a superficial level. Underneath this objective were a lot of monetary objectives that were set out by our establishing fathers. The entirety of our establishing fathers were rich men and savvy men. I accept that before when the settlements fundamentally had self standard they made much more money.I accept to the open eye this insurgency was an about land and freedom however to the establishing fathers it could have Just as effectively been around a certain something, and that will be that there was a ton of cash to be made off of America and they were going to make it. Before the American Revolution was totally in progress one of our establishing fathers John Hancock was somebody who might pirate cod fish room Cape Cod Massachusetts right to the Caribbean and he was getting by. When Great Britain had halted their healthy disregard and started to entirely constrain the route demonstrations things for sneaking establishing fathers began to change.Now Britain had started to manage the selling and purchasing of these items which for the most part affected the runners or vendors of these products. These vendors Just so happen to be our establishing fathers. As much as an American that I need to accept that our unrest was battled for the quest for opportunity. I can not. This is on the grounds that he start of the rebellions were absolutely originated from a monetary premise. The first extreme objective of the American Revolution was to be liberated from Britain not on the grounds that they didn't have rights.It was to split away from Great Britain so they might set up their own facilitated commerce away from Britain and not have Great Britain take a cut of the level of what the states were delivering and selling. Another objective of the American Revolution was to not be burdened unreasonably by Great Britain. As Patrick Henry said at The House Of Burgess No tax collection! Without portrayal! This implies Patrick Henry believed that it was out of line for the British to pass laws saying they could burden the settlements when the provinces didn't have a vote.Technically the states had delegates in British Parliament in any case, they were not casted a ballot into Parliament by pioneer residents which practically makes it so the settlements didn't really have their voice being heard. Rather they didn't have a state about what charges Britain would go in Parliament, the expenses would be chosen for the settlements. Fundamentally the establishing fathers saw themselves uniquely in contrast to people in general. The open eye saw them as individuals who were attempting to eight for opportunity and equivalent rights for all men, yet in reality they saw themselves as representatives and gentlemen.This drastically changed the objective for influence and making a decent measure of cash from this Rev olution by utilizing exchange and creating products and offering them to different countries. That is the manner by which the manner in which the establishing fathers had seen themselves before the American Revolution had changed the objective of the American Revolution from battling for the option to be allowed to battling for the option to exchange openly under their own management.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Enhance Postgraduate Psychology Students †
Question: Talk about the Enhance Postgraduate Psychology Students. Answer: Presentation: Learning Experience can be named as some collaboration or course which happens in either schools or study halls or some other learning conditions like open air situations (Arends 2014). A successful learning experience can make noteworthy, applicable and key instructive encounters that will be of much assistance to the grown-up and postsecondary students. A legitimate learning experience effectively addresses the particular provokes identified with the grown-up students. Being an ardent student I have distinguished a portion of the advantages of learning experience, they are; Plan an intentional excursion Learning experience causes aq understudy to stroll in the correct way. Individuals like me who attempt distinctive nontraditional learning courses needs to comprehend the excursion that has been set for them. The comprehension of the design causes me to react emphatically to the goals set out before me. Legitimately connect learning objectives to exercises A plainly planned learning experience can enable the students to maintain a strategic distance from the opportunity of drawing in into dull and occupied errands (Boud et al. 2014). Or maybe it would be useful for them to participate in various exercises that are identified with the course. Tending to the holes of comprehension and expanding upon the current understandings-Learners who were not part of the conventional learning framework have increased a significant part of the learning information dependent on their experience. The principle facilitator of the learning experience can without much of a stretch influence the information and the experience of the student at whatever point he needs to do as such. Give true recreations Learning encounters assists with giving certifiable reproductions. The Experiences of such recreations encourages me to gain the experience of the down to earth circumstances and responding to such circumstances expeditiously and effectively. Future Needs-Learning encourages us to get ready for the future and make us self proficient. It furnishes us with the distinctive reasonable proficiencies that are expected to get by later on (Arends 2014). Life Lessons-Life exercises can assist with discovering us the significance of life and its motivation. It encourages us to find a protected line of work and decent instruction. Learning experience causes us to be better prepared to confront troublesome circumstances. It likewise encourages us to gain from our disappointments (Boud et al. 2014). Estimation of the Learning Experience Qualities are available are of determinations where there is the nearness of the learning experience (Arends 2014). I have utilized a few meanings of instructional structures and chose to investigate the job of qualities in the learning experience. The Learning experience causes us in various manners to be specific; Course-The course program that I was tried out helped me to assemble a useful and genuine information. The plan of the course alongside the timings and the related records associated with the course has been of colossal assistance for me to accumulate a specialist information on the equivalent (Coulson and Harvey 2013). Program-The Learning procedure is a lot of significant in my life as the projects have been useful for me to assemble the hypothetical put together information with respect to the various components of the learning procedure (Coulson and Harvey 2013). Increasing a thought regarding both the hypothetical and down to earth information is an additional preferred position for me. Future Career-My future is one of the key variables which will decide if I will be fruitful or I would flop in my up and coming undertakings. The learning procedure will be valuable to decide the correct way towards progress. Life In General-The distinctive hypothetical and down to earth information will assist me with transforming into a developed individual and will assist me with facing all the emergency circumstances in existence with extraordinary quality. Moving the Knowledge in Future Moving the learning Knowledge into what's to come is one of the most exhausting undertaking for me. Be that as it may, I am left with almost no degree at all as on the grounds that I need to fit myself in the cutting edge serious world and need to stand separated from the others. I have chosen to apply the information later on by; Utilizing the assortment of Learning Media Maintaining an emphasis on the pertinence of what I have realized Setting aside an effort for self clarification Subtleties of Learning Knowledge Learning information alludes to the information that is obtained from the learning procedure and assists with changing ones social characteristics (Kassab et al. 2015). The individuals occupied with the learning procedure need to ensure that they secure the information on the aptitudes to ensure that they can customize in their own field. My own detail in regards to such a case is a product engineer. I am occupied with making and keeping up various types of programming for performing multiple tasks purposes. Subsequent to finishing my sheets I got myself admitted to one of the well known B-tech universities and earned a science qualification from that point. My learning procedure has been very useful to unravel various issues identified with programming and its mind boggling the executives. Business look into is a lot of valuable for the learning procedure which I have experienced. I am effective in breaking down my qualities and shortcoming and can develop myself on such ground. The employments of Learning Experience are; Access to significant Data Ascend in positive feelings Improved critical thinking aptitudes More profound comprehension Utilization of Business Research in Learning Process There is bunches of utilization of business look into in my learning procedure, some of them are; Research causes me to distinguish my own qualities and shortcoming It causes me to have an away from about the kind of individuals that I would look in certifiable circumstances (Keller and Karau 2013) It is simple for the association to play out a SWOT and PESTEL It causes us to get a thought regarding the focused on gathering of individuals As referenced before my learning procedure has been a spine of my life. It has helped me to achieve the most ideal outcomes throughout my life. It has been incredibly useful and has opened up new advances and obscure reason for me to investigate and win. Hypothetical, commonsense, mental, abilities have been a consequence of such a learning procedure (Kassab et al. 2015). Ends The investigation of the entire intelligent diary will deliver the significance of learning process in our life. After the perusers will finish perusing this report they will have the thought regarding the various sorts of favorable circumstances of learning process and will make a feeling of mindfulness for the group of people yet to come to entertain themselves with the learning procedure. Learning Plan is commonly applied in various stages and in a legitimate way. A portion of the means are as per the following; The choice of the Target crowd Arranging admirably ahead of time Execution and coordination of the arrangement in the business Getting the certainty of the focused on gathering of people References Arends, R., 2014.Learning to educate. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Boud, D., Cohen, R. furthermore, Sampson, J. eds., 2014.Peer learning in advanced education: Learning from and with one another. Routledge. Coulson, D. furthermore, Harvey, M., 2013. Platform understudy reflection for experience-based learning: A framework.Teaching in Higher Education,18(4), pp.401-413. Kassab, S.E., Al-Shafei, A.I., Salem, A.H. furthermore, Otoom, S., 2015. Connections between the nature of mixed learning experience, self-directed learning, and scholarly accomplishment of clinical understudies: a way analysis.Advances in clinical training and practice,6, p.27. Keller, H. also, Karau, S.J., 2013. The significance of character in understudies view of the internet learning experience.Computers in Human Behavior,29(6), pp.2494-2500. Kolb, D.A., 2014.Experiential learning: Experience as the wellspring of learning and advancement. FT press. Kolb, D.A., 2014.Experiential learning: Experience as the wellspring of learning and improvement. FT press. Powell, R., Vlachopoulos, P. furthermore, Shaw, R., 2017. Advancement and Evaluation of a Reflective Log Assignment Designed to Enhance Postgraduate Psychology Students Learning Experience.Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice,5(3). Svinicki, M.D. furthermore, McKeachie, W.J., 2014.McKeachie's showing tips: Strategies, research, and hypothesis for school and college instructors. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Trigwell, K., Ashwin, P. furthermore, Millan, E.S., 2013. Evoked earlier learning experience and way to deal with learning as indicators of scholastic achievement.British Journal of Educational Psychology,83(3), pp.363-378.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Random Admission Thoughts-Post EA Decisions - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Random Admission Thoughts-Post EA Decisions - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Random Admission Thoughts-Post EA Decisions We have made it past the Early Action decisions, and we are now at the next stages of the admission cycle. With that in mind, here are a few thoughts about what happens in Admissions and UGA from November to late March. Statistics Some rough mid-50% statistics on accepted and deferred Early Action applicants: Admitted 4.00-4.22 UGA GPA, 29-33 ACT, 1320-1490 best SAT, 6-10 AP/IB/DE courses. Deferred 3.61-3.91 UGA GPA, 26-30 ACT, 1170-1330 best SAT, 4-7 AP/IB/DE courses. Scholarships -We have released some scholarship offers in when we made the Early Action decisions, and this will continue until mid-April as we review files for different scholarships. We will offer about 15-20% of admitted students scholarships overall, but it takes time. Scholarship information will be sent by mail, and they can also be seen on your myStatus page in a section that appears if a scholarship is offered. Honors -The Honors program is working with our office to collect data on the admitted EA applicants, so please be patient with this office as they begin their review for their early offers. They hope to be able to start communicating with students in mid-December, but that is an estimate, not a specific timeline. Deferred Deferred EA applicants are beginning to submit part II of the application and get in teacher recommendations, and we expect the majority will finish these steps during the December holidays. Deferred applicants do not need to submit a new application or pay a new application fee, and it will cause problems for applicants who try to do this. In addition, the last section of part II is for any updates, where an applicant can give us new information such as updated activities, fall grades, new honors, etc. I also suggest that all RD and deferred EA applicants review the Timeline page for details on when we release decisions. Senior Grades While Fall grades are not required for RD or deferred EA applicants, I heavily suggest sending them in, either self-reported on part II or on a transcript. Accepted students do not need to send us updated grades unless requested by another office (Honors for instance). There are too many RD applicants and deferred EA applicants for us to recalculate every GPA with new grades, but senior grades are used in our holistic read process, and we do look at them carefully. Applying RD For RD applicants, it is best to apply first and then send in any school documents, as it is easier and quicker to match these items. Test scores can come in prior to applying without issue, but documents have to be saved in our holding files and then matched every day, and these files get a little overwhelming during deadline times with thousands of non-matched documents. Senioritis During your senior year, do not catch senioritis or do something that you will regret the next day. The main reason we would ever rescind an admission offer would be a serious drop in grades or a problematic conduct issue, so stay strong and focused. This is also not the time to start to drop challenging courses for spring term. If we admitted you, it was in part based on the strength of your core classes. As such, we want to see you continue to challenge yourself in the courses you are in. We are fine if you need to change from PE to Health, or from one similar class to another, but we dont want to see you suddenly dropping AP Calc, AP Physics, etc. just to have an early release. Forest vs. Trees Remember, more is not always better. If you have ten teacher recommendations sent to us, or decide you need to send us a five page resume, or decide that the word short answer limits are too limiting and decide to send us two page essays by mail, know that it becomes harder to see the forest through the trees. Brevity and being concise are not bad things. Test Scores We will accept SAT/ACT scores from exams taken and requested to be sent by February 1. Please make sure you request your scores be sent to UGA when you sign up for the exam. Do not wait until you have seen your January scores before requesting them to be sent, as that might be too late. Remember, we only use the highest scores, so there is no need to wait before sending them. Teacher Recs We are often asked about what teacher to select for a recommendation. We do not need a teacher who is a UGA alum, a department head, a person who has taught for 30+ years, or any other designation. Select a teacher who knows you well and can tell us what you are like as a person. myStatus Remember to check your myStatus page to make sure we have everything we need for admissions. The worst calls/emails are the ones where we have to say we could not make a decision due to an incomplete file. As well, re-review the Top 10 Urban Legends for UGA Admissions, as odd myths start to appear after EA decisions are released. Go Dawgs!
Friday, May 22, 2020
Theories of Communication Essay - 1019 Words
Theories of Communication- P2 Argyles Theory of communication (One-to-One) Argyles theory of communication is that to learn communication skills and social skills there is a certain cycle that needs to be used this therefore involves translating or decoding what others have communicated. Argyle believes that this gives the individual an opportunity to adapt on their person behaviour so that at the end of the process they are able to communicate effectively. The cycle has different stages 1. The cycle will start when an idea is thought of so that the message can then be coded and sent. This stage involves the individual thinking in their head what they are going to be saying and they then need to ensure they get the message to the†¦show more content†¦Tuckman’s theory of the group coming together and performing involves four key stages. Forming- This is when the group have come together and they are getting to know each other beginning to think of ideas and ask each other questions. An example of forming in my placement will be when the children at the nursery sit in groups with a teacher or a team leader and the groups can be based around their ability or specific needs. Storming- Storming is the second stage and this is when conflict can often flare up because the roles begin to be put in place for those in the group and a leader may begin to take control causing some arguments as the group is functioning. For the storming stage an example in my placement could be when the children have formed their groups and begin to play games it can mean that conflict will begin as some individuals may want to play the same role in the group as there will always be a leader to group this therefore means you often get many personality clashes. Norming- Norming is when the group properly comes together and start to develop strong sets of shared values and the group will start to work as one group together. For this stage in my placement you will begin to see the children coming together and working together in their friendship groups, this may involve them playing various games and taking part in various activities for them to come together andShow MoreRelatedCommunication Theories Paper1190 Words  | 5 PagesCommunication theories paper Amanda Haring Com 310 â€Æ' Communication is defined as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior. Communication helps us understand one another. (Communication, 2011). Communication is broken down into theories. Three examples of these theories would be the social penetration theory, cognitive dissonance theory and the uncertainty reduction theory. The social penetration theoryRead MoreThe Theory Of Interpersonal Communications1491 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction One of the most dominant theories in the field of interpersonal communications is Uncertainty Reduction Theory. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020
Goal Directed Nursing A Personal Framework - 627 Words
Philosophy and Approach I believe that nursing is based on communications and interactions between the nurse and patient. The goal of nursing according to King is to help individuals and groups attain, maintain, and restore health, or if that is not possible, then to die with dignity (McEwen Willis, 2014). King’s theory of goal attainment focuses on concepts of perception, interaction, transaction, stress, communication and the nursing metaparadigm (King, 2007). With this theory as a model for nursing, I practice within these concepts by interacting and communicating with my patient, interacting and reacting to the patient based on their perception of the event, communicating knowledge of actions needed to attain health goals, and interacting and reacting to internal and external stressors of the patient and focus on setting goals based on the decisions made by the patient. The theory is based on interactions that lead to goals that lead to attained goals, or outcomes and ou tcomes reflect effective nursing care (King, 1997). This theory is helpful to me by identifying key concepts to guide my practice and my interaction with patients to help them identify and achieve the best outcomes possible. A possible short-coming of the theory may be that the theory identifies individuals as social beings who are rational and unfortunately this is not always the case. Often times, especially in emergency care, you encounter patients and families who are not rational, this mayShow MoreRelatedBiography Of Dr. Imogene M. King Essay1185 Words  | 5 Pagesescape her life in small town she accepted her Uncle’s offer to study nursing. Where she never thought, would lead her to become one of the Pioneers and most sought Nurse Theorist. 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The second level is the interactionalRead MorePersonal Statement : Professional Nursing Career1064 Words  | 5 PagesScholarly Paper #1 Personal Meta-paradigm Charlotte Strawser NURS 603 University of Southern Indiana Professor Cynthia Cuson January 26, 2017 This paper aims to describing personal meta-paradigm in this author’s professional nursing career relating to a theoretical framework. Nursing is made up of several theories that help guide the nursing practice in delivering care. The theories help guide nursing research in creating a strong profession in healthcare. These theories help the nurseRead MoreErnestine Wiedenbach1672 Words  | 7 PagesCollege in 1922, an R.N. from Johns Hopkins Hospital school of nursing in 1925, a Master of Arts from Teachers College, Columbia Universiy in 1934, and a certificate in Nurse Midwifery from the Maternity Center Association School for NurseMidwives in New York in 1946 where she taught until 1951. 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The main focus of her scholarship was global health, international and immigrant health, womens health and theoretical development of the nursing discipline. The main focus of her teaching is on the structure and organization of nursing knowledge, international nursing and transitions and health. She defined nursing as being concerned with experiences and process of human beings who are undergoing transiti ons. Therefore her definition of nursing is the facilitation
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Literary Theory and Criticism Investigating Literature and Literary Study Free Essays
Literary theory, literary criticism Methods of studying literature are defined and described. A section on definitions and distinctions investigates literature and literary study; literary theory and literary criticism. First of all it is necessary for us to know the definition of literary theory, and literary criticism. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Theory and Criticism: Investigating Literature and Literary Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nevertheless, the distinctions between literary theory, criticism, and history are the most important Literary theory is the study of the principles of literature, its categories, criteria, and the like. The theory of literature investigates the general laws of the structure and development of literature. The history of literature studies the literary past as a process or one of the stages of this process. On the other side, literary criticism is the study, evaluation, and interpretation of literature. Modern literary criticism is often informed by literary theory, which is the philosophical discussion of its methods and goals. It is also concerned with the most recent, the â€Å"present†state of literature. Literary criticism is always interested in evaluating a literary work. But even though, these two are closely related, literary critics haven’t always been theorists. Some critics consider literary criticism a practical application of literary theory, because criticism always deals directly with particular literary works, while theory may be more general or abstract. Even though literary theory and literary criticism may be defined distinctly, they are not completely separated. It seems best to draw attention to these distinctions by describing as â€Å"literary theory†the study of the principles of literature, its categories, criteria, and the like, and by differentiating studies of concrete works of art as either â€Å"literary criticism†(primarily static in approach) or â€Å"literary history†. Of course, â€Å"literary criticism†is frequently used in such a way as to include all literary theory ; but such usage ignores a useful distinction. Literary works which have been evaluated as important can than be used to draw general conclusions on a genre. This is the case with Aristotle’s Poetics. The close relation between literary theory and criticism and the other humanities was formerly reflected in the concept of philology as a synthesizing branch of learning, studying culture in all its written manifestations, including literary works. In the mid-20th century the concept of philology suggests the affinity between literary theory and criticism and linguistics; in the strict sense philology denotes textual criticism. Even after these obvious differences, complete separation is impossible, it is inconceivable to have literary theory without criticism or history, or criticism without theory and history, or history without theory and criticism. It’s all connected. Aida Belovodjanin How to cite Literary Theory and Criticism: Investigating Literature and Literary Study, Essays
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Team polayer Essays - Social Psychology, , Term Papers
Team polayer The definition of a team player is one who unites others toward a shared destiny, through information and ideas. The quality of being a team player is one that everyone should possess. A team player is someone with a good personality who makes contributions and has the drive to motivate everyone around him or her. These qualities can be used in many areas such as sports, family life, and in the business world. You are more likely to be hired in the business world if you possess and demonstrate the qualities of a team player. As the business climate gets tougher before it gets better, it's time to walk the talk if you want to grow. In life, being a team player is necessary when in a committed relationship between a man and a woman having a good personality is one of the most important qualities you can have. The focus will be connection between two people, respect and support. A connection has to be there between two people. Achieving that shared destiny can take time. Feeling comfortable and close with each other is ace to a good connection. One indication is usually a feeling of familiarity and an instant liking when first meeting. It is the best signal of a long and successful relationship, because it produces the want and need for intimacy. When things get tough in a relationship, as things usually do, it shows that there is enough glue to hold the relationship together. With a connection, many things come into play. The mental, physical and emotional states must be satisfied in order to establish and maintain a strong connection between them. Mentally the couple must be on the same page at all times to avoid any confusion and disappointments. Physically they must show affection towards each other consistently to maintain a level of togetherness and a feeling of genuine love. Emotionally, its always good to show kindness and concern for each other. These connections are to ensure the long- lasting bond, of a relationship. Respect is such a big factor. Two people have to be willing to teach one another. In that respect, they have to be open minded to ideas, and demonstrate them. In a relationship, one has to respectfully verbalize their feelings in order to get an understanding of one another. When one gets upset their partner has to put all of their opinions aside and just listen, and let that one just calm down. Also, when one is busy with work or personal issue, it is pertinent to give them their space. Being supportive is another trait in a relationship.
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